Essays by Jonathan Haidt and Profiles of His Work

In Languages Other Than English and Spanish

Content in Dutch

VRIJ Nederland Logo



Het onvermogen tot constructieve onenigheid zit het maatschappelijk debat in de weg (written by Tammo Schuringa) (Netherlands) (November 16th, 2022)



De Morgen Logo



NRC logo

‘We verkeren in een grote culturele verwarring’ (written by Sjoerd de Jong) (Netherlands) (March 31st, 2022)




NRC logo

Heus, van andermans mening ga je niet kapot (written by Ellen de Bruin) (Netherlands) (March 1st, 2019)



Content in Finnish


Helsingin Sanomat Logo

Content in French


Le Point logo

Oui, les réseaux sociaux sont un véritable danger pour nos démocraties (written by Jonathan Haidt, translation by Peggy Sastre) (France) (August 24th, 2022)




Le Point logo

Jonathan Haidt : “La dernière décennie aura été d’une stupidité exceptionnelle” (written by Jonathan Haidt) (France) (May 11th, 2022)



Lexpress Logo

Jonathan Haidt : “Les réseaux sociaux ont plongé toute une génération dans la dépression” (Interview by Thomas Mahler and Laetitia Strauch-Bonart) (France) (April 23rd, 2022)


Heurstionne Logo

Pourquoi la classe ouvrière vote si souvent conservateur (written by Jonathan Haidt, translated to French) (Germany) (May 1st, 2019)



Le Point logo

Pourquoi protéger nos enfants (et nos étudiants) est dangereux (Interview by Gabriel Bouchaud and Thomas Mahler) (France) (October 17th, 2018)



Content in German


Schweizer Monat Logo

Handys raus aus der Schule! (written by Jonathan Haidt, translated to German) (Switzerland) (October, 2023)


süddeutsche zeitung logo

Schlechtes Netz (written by Andrian Kreye) (Germany) (April, 2022)


Schweizer Monat Logo

Die finstere Psychologie sozialer Netzwerke (written by Jonathan Haidt and Tobias Rose-Stockwell, translated to German) (Switzerland) (March, 2020)


Neue Zürcher Zeitung logo

Content in Itlalian


Il Post Logo


Come i social hanno istupidito le istituzioni (Italy) (April 30th, 2022)


Content in Hebrew

Calcalist Logo




Slant Magazine Logo



עשר שנים של טמטום (written by Jonathan Haidt, translated to Hebrew) (Israel) (November 10th, 2022)



Content in Korean


MT Logo


‘SKY=성공’ 인식부터 바꿔라..양극화 해법은 상호이해” (written by Jeong-ryeol Song) (Korea) (January 1st, 2019)



Content in Polish

Content in Portuguese

Gazeta Do Povo Logo


As mentiras que preparam nossos filhos para ser uma geração fracassada (Written by Madeleine Lacsko) (Brasil) (March 11th, 2023)



Meio Logo



Redes sociais e democracia não combinam, com Jonathan Haidt (Interview with Pedro Doría) (Brasil) (May 24th, 2022)



Outra Saude Logo


Como redes sociais devastam a saúde mental das meninas (written by Gabriela Leite) (Brasil) (November 23rd, 2021)



Estado da Arte Logo

Por que progressistas não entendem conservadores? (written by Bruna Frascolla) (Brasil) (April 10th, 2018)



Rare logo

O Condutor, o elefante e o caminho (a dubbed version of “The Elephant, The Rider and the Path”, created by rare) (April, 2015)



Content in Swedish


Svenska Dagbladet logo



Modern Psykologi Logo

Förnuft och känsla med Jonathan Haidt (written by Jonas Cullberg) (Sweden) (April 5th, 2022)